email: Center

CoBAMS Endowment Fund


The CoBAMS Endowment Fund is one of the strategic activities being implemented by the leadership to build the long term financial sustainability to enable the College effectively achieve her mission and work towards the vision.

The overall objective is to position the College as a relevant and sustainable institution of international standing with high calibre staff, an active presence in public policy research and formulation, and contribution to the community.


Human Resource

To supplement University’s human resource capacity development efforts

Research & Outreach

To provide seed capital/funding for cutting-edge research and outreach; and


To offer scholarships to talented but under privileged candidates enrolling on programs that fall within the mandate of the College.

Fund Benefits

To the University

  • Enhanced brand name, visibility and profile
  • Increased good will from the public and other University stakeholders
  • Long-term achievement of financial sustainability
  • Improved capacity by the College to meet her mandate of developing well skilled human resource and provision of needed updated and timely well researched information
  • Development of quality researchers and academic staff for the University.

To the Private Sector

  • Deliver active commercial-led research and build beneficial collaborations and partnerships

To the students

  • Give students a unique opportunity to learn, research and study Fund portfolio management and investment
  • Enable students to focus their research in the thematic areas that will be supported by the Fund.

To the country and public sector

  • Targeted research output focusing on addressing problems and development challenges.
  • The Fund will contribute to government’s income equality efforts through provision of scholarships.

Governance and Management of the Fund

To minimise operational costs, avoid confusion to the public and enhance higher return generation, the Fund is to fully benefit and utilise the already existing Makerere University Endowment Fund governance structures which are well established with a Board of Trustees appointed by Council, appointed Fund Manager, Custodian and Fund Administrator.  

The College Fund will be considered as an independent (sub-set) of the Makerere University Endowment Fund and returns will monitored in relation to the established Investment Policy Statement (IPS).

Operations Plan

The Fund shall be registered by the MakEF BoT as a subset of the MakEF with the addition of the Principal after approval to establish the Fund by Council. It will use:

  • The MakEF Deed and Rules but with changes to the objectives and funding sources
  • All existing MakEF structures and the investment policy. This is to ease its operationalisation and start almost immediately.


Targeted Activities

  • The Endowment Fund launched with seed Capital April, 2021.
  • Continuous resource mobilization drive.