email: Center

CoBAMS Policy Lab

The Lab will lead discussions and provide input at public policy dialogues  in a broad range of fields that relate to the economy, the business environment, regulatory practice, private sector development, public investment management, structural transformation, population dynamics among others.


The overall objective is to position the College as a relevant and sustainable institution of international standing with an active presence in public policy research and formulation, and contribution to the community.


The Policy Lab is intended to achieve the following:

  • Undertake cutting-edge research to inform policy and practice;
  • Decipher policy actions and continually set the research agenda to address emerging issues;
  • Provide a platform for sharing implementation progress arising from the agreed upon action areas.

Value Proposition

Hosting this structure within the University setting will:

  • Build on a pool of University staff who are already paid for by the government.
  • Leverage the University’s academic community with good grounding in all areas within the scope of the Lab.
  • Situate the Lab and several activities in already existing University infrastructure hence cutting down on running costs.
  • Leverage expertise in partnering with government institutions


It is envisaged that this initiative will organically evolve into a fully-fledged policy and outreach arm of the College. The policy lab at CoBAMS will be launched in March 2022.

Policy Lab Benefits

To the University:
  • Enhanced brand name, visibility and profile
  • Increased good will from the public and other University stakeholders
  • Long-term achievement of financial sustainability
  • Improved capacity by the College to provide up-to-date and well researched information
  • Increased participation by staff of the university in the policy discussions
  • Development of quality researchers and academic staff for the University.
To the private sector:
  • Provide an anchor for continued policy advocacy between the private sector and government.
To the students:
  • Enable students to focus their research in the thematic areas that will be supported by the Lab.
  • A more responsive curriculum integrating theory and practice
To the country and public sector
  • Increased availability of well-grounded analytical information focusing on addressing problems and development challenges