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Master of Science in Population Studies (MPS)

The Master of Science in Population Studies aims at providing advanced quantitative and qualitative skills in Population Studies; give knowledge on the epidemiology of epidemics and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other epidemics focusing on their dynamics and social and economic impacts of such diseases; provide skills in Population and Health issues; provide knowledge on Population and Development issues; and produce graduates to plan and execute large scale population surveys and carry out daw analysis. The MSG in Population Studies is both a day and evening programme.

Duration of the Programme

The programme of study leading to the degree of Master of Science in Population Studies is a two-year study. The first two semesters shall be devoted to course work and development of research proposal and the second academic year shall be for research and preparation of a dissertation.

Structure of the Programme

The programme consists of core courses and elective courses. In semesters I all courses are core. In Semester II Students are required to do Two core course and Three electives.

Year I Semester I

Course CodeCourse NameCredit Units
MPS 7101Survey Sampling methods3
MPS 7102Analysis and Modeling of Demographic Data3
MPS 7103Population Trends and Policies3
MPS 7104Migration3

Year I Semester II

Course CodeCourse NameCredit Units
MPS 7201Research Seminar4
MPS 7202HIV/AIDS and other epidemics3

Electives (Choose two)

Course CodeCourse NameCredit Units
MPS 7203Population and Development2
MPS 7204Project Planning and Implementation2
MPS 7205Population and Environment2
MPS 7206Mathematical Demography2
MPS 7207Demographical Models2
MPS 7205Population and Health Issues2
MPS 7209Mortality2
MPS 7210Fertility2
MPS 7211 Reproductive Health2
MPS 7212Sociology of Population Dynamics2
MPS 7213Medical Anthropology2